
Litter Picking Castlefields this Saturday

Wellingborough Eco Group & Wellie Wombles

This Month’s Two Hour Tidy Up takes place on this Saturday (28th September) at Castlefields Park and along The Embankment, where it all started five years ago! We will be setting up our Recycling Station at the Irthlingborough Road entrance to Castlefields Park from 9:30, for litter picking between 10 and 12. We will be tidying up the park and the surrounding area.

Join us for our monthly Two Hour Tidy Up!

This location has been chosen because we started our group by litter picking on The Embankment five years ago, but that’s flooded so we will combine tidying up Castlefields too. We have tidied up this area before, but unfortunately due to being busy over the holidays there’s a lot to do. It could be cold, so free refreshments including tea and coffee will be available.

To help us and keep us safe at this and future litter picks, Wellingborough Eco Group have purchased some litter pickers, hi-vis vests and safety equipment including road signs, so everything is provided but please bring your own gloves if you can. Join in, bring your friends and family, ALL WELCOME!

Litter Picking Croyland Gardens this Saturday!

Wellingborough Eco Group & Wellie Wombles

This Month’s Two Hour Tidy Up takes place on this Saturday (31st August) on Croyland Gardens. We will be setting up our Recycling Station on Morrisons Car Park from 9:30, for litter picking between 10 and 12. We will be tidying up the gardens and the surrounding area.

Join us for our monthly Two Hour Tidy Up!

This location has been chosen because we haven’t tidied this area for a while. We have tidied up this area before, but unfortunately due to being busy over the holidays there’s a lot to do. It could be hot, so free refreshments including cold bottles of water will be available. Here is a map to Morrisons car park:

To help us and keep us safe at this and future litter picks, Wellingborough Eco Group have purchased some litter pickers, hi-vis vests and safety equipment including road signs, so everything is provided but please bring your own gloves if you can. Join in, bring your friends and family, ALL WELCOME!

Litter Picking Queensway Park this Saturday!

Wellingborough Eco Group & Wellie Wombles

This Month’s Two Hour Tidy Up takes place on this Saturday (27th July) on Queensway Park between Queensway and A509. We will be setting up our Recycling Station on the grass on the park behind ECO HUB and Glamis Hall from 9:30, for litter picking between 10 and 12. We will be tidying up the park and the surrounding area.

Join us for our monthly Two Hour Tidy Up!

This location has been chosen because we are also at Glamis Hall for their Family Festival, which also starts at 10am. We have tidied up this area before, but unfortunately due to some messy people there’s a lot to do. It could be hot, so free refreshments including cold bottles of water will be available.

To help us and keep us safe at this and future litter picks, Wellingborough Eco Group have purchased some litter pickers, hi-vis vests and safety equipment including road signs, so everything is provided but please bring your own gloves if you can. Join in, bring your friends and family, ALL WELCOME!

Litter Picking Brickhill Road and Park this Saturday!

Wellingborough Eco Group & Wellie Wombles

This Month’s Two Hour Tidy Up takes place on this Saturday (29th June) on the park between Brickhill Road and Hardwick Road. We will be setting up our Recycling Station on the grass on the park opposite St Mark’s Church from 9:30, for litter picking between 10 and 12. We will be tidying up the park and the surrounding area.

Join us for our monthly Two Hour Tidy Up!

This location has been chosen by Freddie because this area is looking neglected. Wellie Wombles have tidied up this area before, but unfortunately due to some messy people there’s a lot to do. It could be hot, so free refreshments including cold bottles of water will be available.

To help us and keep us safe at this and future litter picks, Wellingborough Eco Group have purchased some litter pickers, hi-vis vests and safety equipment including road signs, so everything is provided but please bring your own gloves if you can. Join in, bring your friends and family, ALL WELCOME!

MAMO TATO Ćwiczmy w lato!

Kółko i Krzyżyk ma ogromną przyjemność zaprosić Państwa na wydarzenie sportowe jakiego jeszcze w Wellingborough nie było!

Nasz sportowy Event odbędzie się w Glamis Hall w Wellingborough 15-go czerwca od godziny 13.00 do godziny 16.00. MAMO TATO Ćwiczmy w lato!

– to wspaniałe wydarzenie sportowe w którym absolutnie każdy będzie mógł wziąć udział, niezależnie od wieku, formy czy predyspozycji. Zapraszamy więc Was wszystkich!

Rodziny, przyjaciół, znajomych, sąsiadów! Zarówno tych małych jak i tych dużych! Konkurencje sportowe będą odbywały się pod czujnym okiem specjalisty – trenera personalnego Pawła Palenika.

Ćwiczenia będą wykonywane w akompaniamencie dźwięków które zagra dla was DJSPEEDTv. Niesamowity Robert Jankowski poprowadzi nasz event. Zawody odbędą się w trzech turach: Pierwsza tura godz. 13.00 Druga tura godz. 14.00 Trzecia tura godz. 15.00

Prosimy wybrać godzinę na udział w zawodach

Bilet w cenie 1f od osoby

Zapisy przyjmujemy pod linkiem

Bilet zostanie wysłany na podany przez was email

Opłata startowa w wysokości 1£ zostanie w całości wykorzystana na rozwój grupy Kółko i Krzyżyk oraz koszty organizacyjne tego eventu. Kółko i Krzyżyk to polska grupa działająca w Wellingborough. Należy do Wellingborough Eco Group. Integruje polska społeczność w celu rozwijania pasji, talentów dzieci i dorosłych. Rozgrzewke taneczna przed konkurencjami poprowadzi 1,2,3 Dance.

Na Każdego kto podejmie sportowe wyzwanie czekać będzie kolorowy Smoothie od Eat Feat Catering.

Dla dzieci będą przygotowane atrakcje balonowe.

Ponadto, będziecie mogli zakupić polskie Zapiekanki od Good Polish Food, smakołyki, lemoniadę przygotowane przez Vorwerk Thermomix TM6, watę cukrowa Fluffy Sweets oraz pyszne ciasta by uzupełnić spalone kalorie.

Dodatkowo będziecie mogli zakupić bursztynowa biżuterię od Amber Lady – Marlena Kotzknecht.

Magdalena Bednarowicz- doradca ubezpieczeniowy, odpowie na pytania oraz przeprowadzi ankietę o preferencjach ubezpieczeniowych, a wśród ankietowanych rozlosuje nagrody dla dzieci.

Thomas Photo Services uwieczni wasze sportowe zmagania.

Event współfinansowany przez North Northamptonshire Council

Dziękujemy sponsorom: Restauracja Gospoda

Eat Fit Catering

Zapraszamy do wspólnej SPORTOWEJ zabawy ! Gwarantujemy wyśmienite i niezapomniane emocje

Litter Picking Stanwell Park this Saturday!

Wellingborough Eco Group & Wellie Wombles

This Month’s Two Hour Tidy Up takes place on this Saturday (25th May) at Stanwell Park. We will be setting up our Recycling Station on the grass at the park entrance on Wordsworth Road from 9:30, for litter picking between 10 and 12. We will be tidying up the park and the surrounding area.

Join us for our monthly Two Hour Tidy Up!

This location has been chosen by Freddie because we have not been to this park for ages. As a group we have tidied up this area last June, but unfortunately due to some messy people there’s a lot to do. It could be hot, so free refreshments will be available.

To help us and keep us safe at this and future litter picks, Wellingborough Eco Group have purchased some litter pickers, hi-vis vests and safety equipment including road signs, so everything is provided but please bring your own gloves if you can. Join in, bring your friends and family, ALL WELCOME!

Litter Pick on The Embankment this Saturday!

Wellingborough Eco Group & Wellie Wombles

Join us on Saturday, 27th April, for our monthly Two Hour Tidy Up to litter pick The Embankment Park and up to Chester House, where we will also be joined by Nene Rivers Trust, who will be starting from Chester House and working their way to The Embankment.

We are also litter picking this area because Wellingborough Walks Action Group are going to the High Court next week to hopefully SAVE OUR TREES on The Embankment. Let’s make the area around the trees look great!

We have litter picked this park before a number of time, including for our very first litter pick in 2020 (see header image) but it needs doing again, and many of the streets around are heavily littered. We have litter pickers and hoops to borrow, lots of bags, and tea, coffee and snacks, all we need is you. Please bring your own gloves.

Join us and Wellie Wombles for our monthly Two Hour Tidy Up this Saturday.

Our Recycling Station which will be set up at 9:30 for litter picking 10am-12pm, on the car park just off The Embankment road. Do join us to make Wellingborough cleaner, safer and greener. Everyone is welcome, see you on Saturday Morning!

Come to our EASTER EGG HUNT!

Eco Club for Kids & Kółko i Krzyżyk

The kids are off, so what do you do? Why not come meet the Easter Bunny with Wellingborough Eco Group this Good Friday, 29th March, and have some eggciting Easter fun with us.

We have a cracking afternoon planned with stalls full of games, drinks and snacks, Easter Bonnet making for £2, and our annual Easter Egg Hunt for just £2! We will have lot’s of things like crafts and drinks in ECO HUB and outside we will have a few gazebos up with games and food.

The Easter Bunny will be leading the Easter Egg Hunt outside too around Glamis Hall, so everyone will be safe and be fun for all! And perhaps best of all, you’re invited! Come and join in the fun with our Eco Club for Kids and Noughts and Crosses groups, see you and the Easter Bunny this Friday 12-3pm!

The Great British Spring Clean


Wellingborough Town Council are joining Wellingborough Eco Group and Wellie Wombles again on our biggest litter pick of the year!

On the last Saturday of every month, Wellingborough Eco Group normally carries out a two hour tidy up with Wellie Wombles and numerous volunteers. This year we are returning to where we held this special litter pick last year a week earlier due to Easter, on Saturday 23rd March.

Do join us and Wellingborough Town Council for The Great British Spring Clean! This takes place on Saturday (23rd March) and we are litter picking the town centre!

We will set up a recycling station on Market Street from 9:30 to litter pick between 10am-12 midday. We have litter picking equipment, so everything apart from gloves is provided. North Northants Council will take away the litter we pick. As you can see by the map, we are also looking to tidy up Croyland Gardens and the streets surrounding the Town Centre, so there’s plenty to do and safe spaces for families to litter pick too!

Last year’s joint Great British Spring Clean litter pick was a huge success!

NEW – This year we are holding our first ever Heaviest Bag Competition.

It’s really simple, fill your bag with rubbish and we will weigh it and the winner gets a ‘Good Egg’ from Co-op Member Pioneer Wellingborough, Rushden and Higham Ferrers. Refreshments will also be available during and afterwards, do join in with friends old and new, bring your family. Everyone is welcome, see you on Saturday morning!

Litter Pick at Ladywell Park this Saturday!

Wellingborough Eco Group & Wellie Wombles

Join us on Saturday, 24th February, for our monthly Two Hour Tidy Up to litter pick Ladywell Park and the surrounding streets. We have never litter picked this park before but it needs it, and many of the streets around are heavily littered. We have litter pickers and hoops to borrow, lots of bags, and tea, coffee and snacks, all we need is you. Please bring your own gloves.

Join us and Wellie Wombles for our monthly Two Hour Tidy Up this Saturday.

Our Recycling Station which will be set up at 9:30 for litter picking 10am-12pm, on the Park just off Neptune Road. Do join us to make Wellingborough cleaner, safer and greener.

See you on Saturday morning!