Virtual Green Drinks

Corona Virus update – We are going online during the viral pandemic. Join us online on Tuesday April 28th from 7:30pm at

Many of us are working to tidy up our neighbourhoods or for a fossil-free future for all our children. But it’s hard, often dispiriting work; renewing & making new friendships, in a relaxed setting is a great way to chill. That’s where Green Drinks comes in!

Join us on Tuesday 28th April for our second event, no agenda, just like minded people, who care about the environment, meeting for a ‘Green Drink’ and a chat.

Do join us for networking, news, chat and new friends; and be part of a growing global network where local people push for and build a sustainable future. Everyone is invited!

Join our online meeting on Tuesday 28th April from 7:30pm at

Love Where You Live

Is anyone up for a challenge? During the viral pandemic, a lot of activities that Wellingborough Eco Group do in our local area are not possible, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t still love where we live. We know lots of you are busy making your world a better place already…

Whether it’s cleaning up outside our own front door – imagine if everyone just did that one thing – making sure you don’t waste any food and getting creative with left-overs or decluttering your home and putting aside anything you no longer want to give to a charity shop.  

How to get involved:

  1. Pick a theme – some ideas include: your favourite recipe to reduce food waste; mending, repairing & upcycling things around the home; keeping in touch with people in need; home-schooling ideas; discovering nature in your garden & gardening; nifty ideas & eco-friendly crafts; setting up a virtual book club …and many more – be creative!
  2. Create some content – a short video, photo or illustration that shows how you’re making the most of your time at home and making where you live more eco-friendly.
  3. Post your content on Wellingborough Eco Group – tag a friend to get involved too, add the hashtag #lovewhereyoulive and don’t forget to share your post from our group widely.
  4. Once you’re done, try something else – you can get involved as many times as you like!

Yes, this has been shamelessly stolen from Keep Britain Tidy’s ‘Love Where You Live’ campaign; done worry, we are joining in with them and we will share your favourites with them too.

We can all do some simple things that are good for us and good for the planet.

Stay home, stay safe and start creating. Challenge accepted!