Swap Shop

Wellingborough Swap Shop is a local exchange where you can get something you want by swapping things you no longer need or by making a small donation to the group. You could describe it as a kind of bring-and-buy sale with the option to swap. Participants do not need to bring anything in order to take away goods, a pay as you feel donation to the group works too.

Join us at Wellingborough Swap Shop on Tuesdays and Thursdays in ECO HUB at Glamis Hall, NN8 3RU

Our ‘Swap Shop’ recognises that things no longer wanted by someone, might be another person’s treasure. By reusing things we cut down on the amount of waste that goes into landfill and reduce the amount of resources that we use in manufacturing of new products. And it saves money!

What you offer is entirely up to you, as long as it’s legal, not hazardous or not a pet. Examples include: clothes, books, DVDs and CDs, kitchenware, pictures, tools, gardening items, curtains and other soft furnishings, children’s toys and baby items.

Join in at ECO HUB, Glamis Hall, this and every Tuesday 12-6pm and every Thursday 10am-2pm, for lots of good quality clothes, toys, books, DVDs and household items, all available for swaps or a small donation.

We have the SURP+ School Uniform Reuse Project for all of your childrens school clothes that works in the same way as Swap Shop, and The LIVE Team also have a free coats for kids rail, so don’t let your children go out and get cold; plus the kettle’s on if you fancy a coffee or tea, and we are a Happy Cafe Winter Warm Space, so you can pop in for a warm up too!

Wellingborough Eco Group has also set up Wellingborough Swap Shop as a Facebook group. It is set up as a selling group so posts can be shared to other groups and Facebook Marketplace and will be managed by us. Join us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/wellingboroughswapshop

Swap Shops Started in 2021

On the 20th February 2021, we started hosting Saturday Swap Shops at the Victoria Centre with the One Wellingborough Plus project. These were on Zoom due to covid. We had a selection of items to swap and we invited you to swap with us and others between 10:30 and 12:00 midday. Find out more about our first Swap Shop on the blog post below:

We held five Saturday Swap Shops on Zoom and many of these can be watched on the One Wellingborough Plus YouTube Channel. Lots of fun and swaps were had, but we felt that the concept would work better in person.

‘New’ Wellingborough Swap Shops

In September 2021, we started hosting in person Wellingborough Swap Shops with a special at Animals in Need’s Open day. This proved to be very popular, so we decided to have weekly Swap Shops in our ECO HUB AT Glamis Hall during our Tuesday Tidy Ups with Wellie Wombles

…and this Tuesday’s Swap Shop promises to be bigger and better than ever! If you would like to know more about Wellingborough Swap shop please let us know by filling the contact form in below:

We will email you the Zoom link to the email supplied
Please tick which group(s) you belong to


If you would like to donate money to Wellingborough Eco Group for an item you can scan the QR Code or click the button below (cash is also accepted on collection):