Litter Pick The Town Centre this Saturday!

Wellingborough Eco Group & Wellie Wombles

Join us for this Month’s Two Hour Tidy Up, it takes place this Saturday (30th November) in The Town Centre just before Wellingborough Twinkle. Our Recycling Station will be set up from 9:30am near the Christmas Tree on Market Street for litter picking between 10 and 12.

This location has been chosen because we want to make our town look great for everyone who is attending the Twinkle, and because we also have a stall at the big Christmas Lights switch on, where there will be festive games and more.

To help us and keep us safe, we have litter pickers, hi-vis vests and safety equipment including road signs, so everything is provided but please bring your own gloves if you can. Tea and coffee will also be available for free!

Do join us to make this area tidier, let’s make our Town Centre really Twinkle, see you on Saturday morning!