Wellingborough Eco Group and Wellie Wombles join forces again for a Two Hour Tidy Up of Waendal’s Friendship Walk.
On the last Saturday of every month, Wellingborough Eco Group normally carries out a two hour tidy up with Wellie Wombles and numerous volunteers. This time we are litter picking the Friendship Walk, the event that launched the Waendal Walk. This 5km walk is wheelchair and buggy accessible as it’s all on footpaths.
Do join us this Saturday (29th April) 10-2 to tidy up for the Waendal Walk!
We will set up a recycling station on Castlefields Park at the Irthlingborough Road entrance from 9:30 to litter pick between 10am-12 midday. We have litter pickers and hoops for you to borrow, and free bags so almost everything is provided. Please bring your own gloves. North Northants Council will take away the litter we pick.
Plenty of litter picked last time we were at Castlefields in November.
We will have free refreshments during and afterwards, do join in with friends old and new, bring your family. Everyone is welcome, see you on Saturday morning!
Show your love for your favourite tree on #LoveYourTreeDay!
Trees have so many benefits, they provide us with oxygen to breathe, home for wildlife, and much more. Following recent events on The Walks in Wellingborough, and the success of the Save Our Trees campaign, we think that our trees deserve to be celebrated. We would like everyone to chose their favourite tree and decorate it for May, and this starts with Love Your Tree Day on the 1st!
Trees form an essential part of our environment and, over the years, their importance has been taught to children growing up. Even in recent times, individuals have become so environmentally conscious that a sustainable lifestyle to protect our trees has become the norm. Most people now want to protect and preserve our trees, which make the world a better and safer place to live in.
Love Your Tree Day is all about showing that you love trees. You can do this in a number of ways. By simply tying a yellow ribbon around your favourite tree you can show that someone cares for that tree. Decorations could be more than that, but we would like to show everyone in our town that our trees are loved without creating mess. You can also draw them, photograph them and even plant them, and then share them!
Join SAVE OUR TREES campaigners and Eco Group members at The Embankment and The Walks at 11am in the car park to dress the trees and/or dress your favourite tree near you!
Yellow ribbons are to be taken down and recycled after the Waendal Walk weekend, sustainable cotton yellow ribbons will be also available from our ECO HUB. It would be amazing if these decorations could last for a couple of weeks, so that those celebrating the Coronation and those taking part in the Waendal Walk could see them and join in.
ECO HUB has started a tree of hands today, and we want your hand in it. Draw round your hand, colour it in, add it to the tree. Join in at our Happy Cafés, Eco Club for Kids and Polish Community Group sessions. Here is the ECO HUB Hand Tree so far:
The 1st May represents a celebration of life for everyone, and has done for hundreds of years, that’s why we want everyone to celebrate trees which breathe life into our town! So decorate your tree, take a picture and share on your favourite social media platform with the hashtag #LoveYourTreeDay and with us! We look forward to seeing your favourite trees!
Come to ECO HUB this Saturday 9-12 for our Seed and Plant Swap Shop! We have loads of seeds all for swaps, bring yours and exchange them for seeds that you want to grow this year. Plants will also be available for swaps too, all we need is you!
Join at Wellingborough Swap Shop where we will also have rails of clothes for you plus lots of books, DVDs, toys (lots of teddies) and household items. Everything is available for swaps or a small donation to the group.
Join in this Saturday 22nd April 9am-12 midday at our Seed and Plant Swap Shop at ECO HUBGlamis Hall, Goldsmith Road Wellingborough NN8 3RU, the kettles on too, see you there!
Here are photos of our plot 3 years ago. Unfortunately we have a lot of work to do to get it back to this, but with some good weather and many hands this is where we want to be in May.
So this Wednesday we’re going to be working on three fronts:-
1, to carry on with the excellent work Tim, John and Tricia have been doing adjacent to the gazebo. 2, turf turning the herb garden by the wooden greenhouse and plots either side. 3, covering the tree nursery with cardboard boxes and then wood chips.
Maybe this could be done just in time for putting in some of the seeds that I sowed at the weekend. Plenty more to go in directly, plus maybe some more at Saturday’s Seed Swap at ECO HUB 9-12 then at our gazebo 1-5.
Lots to do, but always time for tea, join us at 10 at the gates at the end of Hillside Road or anytime by calling 07311 705705 to get in.
There loads to get involved with over the next few days with Wellingborough Eco Group. It all starts today with our Happy Café, where you can have a free tea or coffee at ECO HUB, and then Tuesday continues with our Food Sharers, Swap Shop and Tuesday Tidy Ups.
Wednesday is out at the allotment, then back inside with The Polish Community Group. Thursday has another Happy Café and Polish Community Group, then Friday has our kids club and then something new in the evening, there’s lots to do, but always time for tea…
10:00am – 2:00pm – Community Allotment Working Party* 6:00pm – 8:00pm – Polish Community Group
Thursday13 Apr 2023
12:00pm – 2:00pm – Happy Café 6:00pm – 8:00pm – Polish Community Group
Friday14 Apr 2023
10:00am – 2:00pm – Eco Club for Kids! 6:00pm – 8:00pm – NEW ‘Replay’ Fun Fridays
All above at ECO HUB Glamis Hall except * Community Allotment Working Party which is at Ladywell Allotments. Further details available at and on project Facebook groups (click links).
Wellingborough Eco Group & Wellingborough Walks Action Group
Come to the Animals In Need Spring Fayre 12-4 on Easter Sunday, the sun is set to shine & they have some amazing stalls, and us!
We will be bringing Wellingborough Swap Shop with lots of clothes, toys and books. We will also have a SAVE OUR TREES – Wellingborough Walks Action Group fundraising and information stall with wristbands, posters and more available to show that you support the campaign.
Animals In Need are asking for any donations of plants, vegan cakes & bottles, any of which would be much appreciated.
On the day of the event there will be strictly no parking on site, blue badge holders only! Everyone else please park at the Embankment or Country park. Do join us, 12-4, see you there!