More Trees Now
This weekend (25th and 26th November) as part of ‘National Tree Week,’ More Trees Now are organising a ‘harvest’ day with and for the community and Corby.
On a harvest day the aim is to save redundant or unwanted saplings to transplant them to places where they are wanted and can become mature trees. Lots of saplings are removed in routine forest management, but they are a valuable source of indigenous and free planting material.
The method was developed in the Netherlands, and their will be a small delegation present from the team that started this will be there at the weekend to share their knowledge.
More Trees Now will be having a presentation of the project on Saturday and visits to Weldon Country Park, Iron Pit Wood and Cowthick Plantation on Sunday:
25/11: presentation
Time: 17.30. Learn about the method, ‘treeplanner’ online tool and how to organise and be part of the movement!
26/11: harvest day
Join them at 9.30 as they save thousands of saplings from Weldon Woodland Park. These trees will be given away for free later!
The aim is to accelerate tree planting initiatives throughout the UK to stop climate change and support biodiversity restoration. Saplings are abundant, and everyone in the community can participate, join in this weekend!