Wow, what an amazing year for Wellingborough Eco Group! We have been very busy every month doing loads of good things for you and for the environment; and we have had some fabulous events and moments. Here we look back at some of the highlights from each Month:
The year kicked off at ECO HUB with our New Year’s Eve Party, where lots of food and fun were had, including a very popular karaoke! It was an action packed month with frosty days at our Community Allotment, a busy Repair Cafe and a huge stall at Glamis Hall’s Indoor Car Boot Sale.
Our services resumed at ECO HUB too, including our popular Tuesday Tidy Ups, Food Sharers, Happy Cafes and Swap Shops. We were inundated with food to share after the festive period, and we had a Unwanted Christmas Present Swap Shop to kick it all off again…
And we had a By-election, where we featured four times on national and local TV and in the newspapers too! Here is a video of when the BBC visited ECO HUB and when they joined our Wellie Wombles on Queensway Park:
Evening activities restarted too, including our new Sew Socials on a Monday, Green Drinks on the first Tuesday, Noughts and Crosses Polish Community Group on Wednesdays and Replay Fun Fridays too. To finish the month off we had a Bingo Night for the Save Our Trees campaign, and litter picked Bassetts Close Park and the surrounding area.
It was Time to Talk Day to start February off the Co-op at ECO HUB, with Eco Club for Kids having a Fun Day, with Brightways coming to do a survey and fix bicyles, plus our weekly activities and more by-election coverage, ECO HUB was the place to be.
We had another huge stall at the Indoor Car Boot Sale with a tombola to raise funds to take the Save Our Trees campaign to the High Court, and had a successful Repair Cafe which also took place at Glamis Hall. Our Nature Rangers Sapling Savers saved lots of little trees and brought them into ECO HUB, the Nature Rangers also had a Free Range ramble and joined in with one of our Community Allotment Working Parties too.
Wellie Wombles celebrated their third birthday and Wellingborough Walks Action Group marked the first anniversary of the loss of the first tree on The Walks. Our monthly Two Hour Tidy Up was at a new location, Ladywell Park, it was arranged with the local residents association and was great to see lots of new litter pickers out.
This month kicked off with a Beetle Drive for the Save Our Trees Campaign, much fun was had and we were all treated to some great songs by Malcolm from Co-op Wincanton.
We were busy bees at ECO HUB, with Swap Shops, Happy Cafes, Food Sharers and our School Uniform Reuse Project bringing in more that 70 people every Tuesday! Our Nature Rangers also had a great Free Range of Park Farm, litter picking the undergrowth before it started to grow again.
At our Repair Cafe, many more of your electrical, textile and bicycles were fixed. Meanwhile down at our Community Allotment, thanks to the hard work of our intrepid gardeners, things were starting to look great, and grow…
We had our first Big ECO Weekend, starting with a special Repair Cafe in the Swansgate Shopping Centre and a Careers and Wellness event at Glamis Hall on the Friday, then The Great British Spring Clean in Wellingborough Town Centre on Saturday, and then planting 720 trees in Kilborn Park on the Sunday!
To finish the month we held our annual Eco Club for Kids Easter Egg Hunt on Good Friday at ECO HUB, where lots of children joined in with the food and fun. On Saturday we had a stall at an Ester Fair at Wellingborough Museum, and on Easter Sunday we had a stall at Animals in Need’s Spring Fair.
Spring had apparently sprung daleks at our Community Allotment on 1st April, but we won the battle with them, and the weeds. We took part in the Community Clean Up of Hemmingwell, continued with busy sessions at ECO HUB and had another productive Repair Cafe.
Wellie Wombles continued with their CLEAN programme for schools and groups for under 16s to help them understand the impact litter has on all our lives and their futures. With two presenters they do a presntation, then go out litter picking with the children.
Our Nature Rangers went to FREE RANGE around Glamis Woods and Meadow, our monthly Two Hour Tidy Up was at The Embankment and on The Walks, and Wellingborough Walks Action Group had a Quiz Night fundraising event and then went to the High Court to Save Our Trees!
As the Save Our Trees High Court Judicial Review continued, ECO HUB had a live feed to court proceedings, but was too busy to hear much! Campaigners at the court protested outside and were delighted with how things went inside. Later in May we found out the that we had won the Judicial Review, which meant that no trees could be felled, but North Northamptonshire Council had already published planning documents to do this during the court case. Wellingborough Walks Action Group led objections to these plans, but as yet these have yet to be brought before the council.
At the allotment we had a great Free Range with our Nature Ranger, our Eco Club for Kids had a great session there, and our Community Allotment Working Parties were making it look great. With Ladywell Allotments, we hosted the Allotment Project, a performance outside the Cabin of interviews taken last year.
We took part in the Waendal Walk, Jonathan did the Town Council’s social media posts and we had a stall at the Castle during the weekend; and our Two Hour Tidy Up litter picked Stanwell Park.
At the Town Council’s Annual Meeting Jonathan was awarded with the Environmental Champion Citizen’s Award. This was accepted for everyone of you that helps to make Wellingborough Eco Group and in particular (as nominated) has made ECO HUB successful, thank you and well done all!
Summer was here and so was the Great Big Green Week! We had activities every day for the whole week to show everyone what we do:
- Saturday 8th a Repair Cafe at Glamis Hall and a Swap Shop at Hemmingwell Skills and Community Centre’s Fun Day
- Sunday Wellie Wombles tidied up the Gleneagles Estate and we had a Happy Cafe with Wellingborough Town Council at concert for D-Day in Castle Fields Park
- Monday our Nature Rangers had a Free Range at our Community Allotment
- Tuesday was Food Sharers, Swap Shop, Happy Cafe and Tuesday Tidy Ups, plus Co-op Sustainability LIVE at ECO HUB
- Wednesday our Noughts and Crosses Polish Community Group did eco-crafts at ECO HUB
- Thursday was Eco-Crafters, Swap Shop and Happy Cafe at ECO HUB
- Friday Eco Club for Kids did more eco-crafts and in the evening we had a Replay Friday games night at ECO HUB
- Saturday Noughts and Crosses had a Sports and Games event in Glamis Hall
- Sunday (16th) we hosted our second The Great Big Green Wellingborough Circular Walk and Cycle also as part of Better Transport Week!
And there was so much more in June, including Eco Club for Kids at our Community Allotment, a Free Range to look after trees we had planted on Kilborn Park, we hosted Wellingborough’s General Election Hustings and our Two Hour Tidy Up litter picked Brickhill Road and Queensway Park.
And July was epic too! This month’s highlights included Wellingborough Carnival, we we won for the second year running! And Party in the Park where we had a great stall.
Plus we had a stall at Wellingborough Library’s 50th Birthday Celebration, a Repair Cafe at ECO HUB, our Nature Rangers looked after the Queen’s Trees we planted with Wellingborough Town Council and we replaced the Kings Tree in Castlefields, and we had three stalls at Glamis Hall’s Family Fun Day plus a Two Hour Tidy Up before and a Tidy after the event too!
The sun was shining and everything was parched, including the trees we planted in Croyland Park, so our Nature Rangers cleared round them and gave them a drink, amazingly finding frogs in the long grass!
ECO HUB was open for all activities during the school holidays apart for the childrens groups, Happy Cafe served cold drinks as well as tea, coffee and hot food too. To round of the month we had a Two Hour Tidy Up of Croyland Gardens, even rescuing a litter bin out of the brook!
This was also the month for our Green Festival, where we offered fun activities, entertainment, food and lots of stalls. We were joined again by Brightwayz who serviced lots of bicycles and everyone had a great day.
At our Community Allotment we were harvesting lots of fruit and veg, enjoying lots of sunflowers and starting to prepare the area for our new workshop with help from Ian. We also started our How to… sessions off with How to Fix IT at ECO HUB, with many craft sessions hosted by our Eco-Crafter Emma and information sessions hosted by Marion with Gamis Hall and Wellingborough Climate Action Project.
This is our Birthday month, where we celebrated five great years of Wellingborough Eco Group and two busy years of ECO HUB for which we had a party on the 1st at ECO HUB. We also had stalls at The Umbrella Fair weekend in Northampton and another at The Family Bonanza on Glenvale Park; and had a Two Hour Tidy Up of Castlefields Park and The Embankment on the last Saturday of the month, near to where we held our first ever Two Hour Tidy Up!
Busy bees again in October, who were put to bed at our Community Allotment. At The Victoria Centre GLJ Thetre invited us to join in for their Eco Granny performance, and Co-op Wincanton did a Ride for the Roof at Glamis Hall, finishing outside ECO HUB.
Wellingborough Walks Action Group hosted a Bingo Night to raise funds for more court fees and they received an award from Wellingborough Civic Society for services to the town. Our Nature Rangers got stuck in at our Community Allotment, we had a spooky Two Hour Tidy Up of London Road Cemetery, and on Halloween we had a special Swap Shop and spooky Happy Cafe where we carved pumpkins with the local children.
This month we gave you three opportunities to get items fixed. We had two Repair Cafes, one at Wellingborough Library on Thursday 7th and one at Glamis Hall on the second Saturday as normal, plus a How to Fix IT session on the Thursday afterwards at ECO HUB.
At the Community Allotment our Working Parties continued clearing up, preparing the space for the new workshop and sowing seeds. Our ECO HUB was as busy as ever, with lots of new people taking advantage of our Happy Cafe Winter Warm Spaces. And on the last day of the month our Two Hour Tidy Up made Wellingborough Town Centre twinkle, for Wellingborough Twinkle where we and many others had stalls for the big Christmas lights switch on.
This month we had a Green Tips Advent Calendar, with a different Green Tip every day! Many of the windows also coincided with events in the town, including our How to Upcycle workshop where we made Christmas Trees out of old pallets.
At Glamis Hall’s Christmas Festival we brought back our famous Racing Reindeer, which were very popular, we also had a festive tombola too. Our Repair Cafe was at Tesco Community Room and Wellingborough Walks Action Group also had a tombola in the Swansgate Shopping centre to Save Our Trees.
ECO HUB had a month long special Christmas Swap Shop, with lots of toys and Christmas goodies, two Co-op Wincanton Christmas Hampers were given away during the week before Christmas and festive treats were served at our Happy Cafes all month too.
Emma entered an amazing tree made out of a pile of clothes to Wellingborough Christmas Tree Festival, our Eco Club for Kids had a Christmas Party just before the big day and we had a Two Hour TIdy Up of Croyland Park were we retrieved a record 21 shopping trollies from the brook!
2024 – The Busiest Year so far!
We really did have an amazing year, packed full of activities and events that included being featured on TV, hosting a hustings, winning an award and holding a Green Festival. Here are some stats from 2024:
- ECO HUB looked after more than 6000 people
- Food Sharers saved 800 crates of fresh food from being thrown away
- Swap Shop saved thousands of items and saved local people hundreds of pounds
- Repair Cafe repaired hundreds of your items
- We ran several courses with Glamis Hall and Wellingborough Climate Action Project
- Nature Rangers planted over 1200 trees in Wellingborough!
- Wellie Wombles have picked up 10150 bags full of rubbish since they started nearly four years ago, including at our monthly Two Hour Tidy Ups and Tuesday Tidy Ups
- And this year they have presented CLEAN to 1065 young people.
Happy New Year!
Wow, well done all, we would like to thank everyone who has volunteered or joined in with our activities. 2025 promises to be great too, with more trees to plant, courses planned and activities to do, we hope that the New Year is great for you and the environment in Wellingborough too. Happy New Year everyone!