How is your Friday 13th going? Well, however it is, one of the best Green Tips on our Advent Calendar is to save your energy. So sit down, relax and let us tell you more about saving energy, and why it’s good for you and for the planet!
Hope you are sitting comfortably? If your house or flat is uninsulated and draughty, and if your appliances are inefficient, then you’re wasting energy and your money, and making yourself less snug and warm.
There are many ways to save energy, here are some quick easy wins:
- Lighting: Turn off lights when you’re not using them
- Appliances: Unplug appliances when you’re not using them. Run the dishwasher less often. Use fewer, colder laundry cycles.
- Water: Take shorter showers. Don’t overfill the kettle. Be mindful of how much hot water you use.
- Insulation: Insulate windows, doors, and the roof. Top up your hot water insulation.
- Radiators: Use radiator reflectors to recirculate heat back into the room. Lower the settings on thermostatic radiator valves.
- Boiler: Turn down the boiler flow temperature to 60°C. Turn down the hot water temperature to 42°C. Turn off pre-heat settings.
- Home improvements: Consider replacing your windows with double glazing and depending on your circumstances and property, install solar panels, wind turbines, or geothermal power to generate your own energy.
Energy Savers
Wellingborough Eco Group has set up Energy Savers to help people understand all about different forms of insulation, how to get the most out of the heating in their homes, as well as help understanding their energy bills. We are here to help you save energy and cut your bills. We offer simple home energy advice via our Facebook group, on an info board at ECO HUB and with articles on our website:
- Advice & information for householders
- Cavity wall insulation
- Domestic Appliances
- Energy Monitors
- Financial Assistance and Grants
- Getting the best from your gas or electricity supplier
- Green Electricity Tariffs
- Heating Systems
- How much electricity am I using?
- Insulation
- Kitchen Appliance Use
- Lighting
- Living Smarter
- Loft Insulation
- Reading your gas or electricity meter
- Smart meters
- Understanding your gas or electricity bill
The pages listed above are just some of the topics we have information about. These pages and more are available on our dedicated website in the main menu on the sidebar, or from a box at the top of the site if using a mobile phone. If you think there’s anything we’ve missed, please let us know!
Wellingborough Climate Action Project
Running from May to September 2022, WCAP hosted workshops and the first 4 sessions were focused on saving energy. They focused on understanding how we use it efficiently and thinking about renewable energy generation. Read about these workshops or watch them on video via the links below:
- Energy Basics
- Energy Use
- Energy Saving (watch video above)
- Renewable Energy and Heating
The project was delivered by Glamis Hall and Wellingborough Eco Group and it’s main aim is to bring people, groups and businesses together from across Wellingborough to start working on many of the practical challenges facing us all related to the impacts of climate change in our community.
It is easier than you think to save your energy! We hope that you find these ‘Green Tips’ useful and they help you to cut your bills and to reduce your carbon footprint. Have a relaxing and a happy Christmas!