Wellingborough Eco Group & Ladywell Allotments
Join our FREE course on Saturday 1st February and 1st March 10am-4pm, to find out how to set up an allotment. This time of year is perfect for clearing an allotment and transforming into a usable space to grow in; and that’s exactly what we are going to do.
We are taking an unused allotment and making it into micro plots, which involves planning how to do it (we will have free tea and coffee, and a warm cabin to do that in) and then making it happen. Jonathan Hornett, your RHS trained course leader, will have already cut everything back, so will have a blank canvas to work on.
The plot will be at Ladywell Allotments, Wellingborough, NN8 4AP, and the courses will be on Saturday 1st February and Saturday 1st March 10am-4pm. The courses are part of Wellingborough Climate Action Projects Sustainable Skills programme of courses. These are lead and facilitated by Glamis Hall and funded by North Northamptonshire Council with money from the UK Government.
All courses are free and tools are provided. We will also provide hot and cold drinks, you will have to bring your own lunch. On completion of this How to Allotments for Beginners course, learners will be able to:
- Describe essential allotment planning and layout techniques, including crop rotation and seasonal planting
- Describe key terminology in vegetable growing, such as sowing, transplanting, companion planting, and succession planting
- Demonstrate foundational skills in soil preparation, watering, pest control, and organic fertilisation to support healthy plant growth
- Produce a basic allotment plan
On Saturday 1st February we will be about planning and setting up an allotment, including establishing beds and looking at installing a shed, water-butts and a compost bin. On Saturday 1st March (ie when it starts getting a bit warmer) we will teach you about preparing the beds and then start sewing and growing.
Do join us, book now at – https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/glamishall/allotments-for-beginners/e-xjzobx