Litter Picking – Wellingborough Eco Group


This month our two hour tidy up will be litter picking Croyland Gardens on Saturday 28th March. It takes place between 10am-12 midday. Our recycling station will be set up from 9:30 in Morrison’s Public Car Park.

Croyland Gardens is just off of Morrison’s Car Park, drivers can use this parking for three hours or can park in neighboring streets. For walkers and cyclists, the gardens are close to the town centre (approximately 5 minutes walk)

Due to Coronavirus (Covid-19) we have the following restrictions for litter pickers:


Always stay safe – We will expect that all litter pickers should maintain at least the distance of an outstretched arm and a litter picker from each other (two metres) that all equipment, including litter pickers, gloves (bring your own if you can) hi-vis vests and bags, are self selected and returned to the recycling station; and that all bags of collected litter are taken to a collection point by those that picked it.

Wellingborough Norse have again kindly let us borrow their litter picking equipment, and will be collecting what we have litter picked at the end of our two hours. Please again remember the rules of self service and two metres social distancing when they are collecting the bags.

For updates see –

For government advice on Coronavirus see –

Repair Cafe 4

Wellingborough Eco Group and Glamis Hall hosted our fourth Repair Cafe yesterday, during the Indoor Car Boot Sale, and despite concerns over the viral pandemic, we had a steady flow of people bringing items in to be repaired.

Our fab five fixers repaired 10 items, including a chainsaw, a CD player, two tablets, an earring, a basket a food mixer, a lawn mower and a record player.

Thank you to our repairers Simon, Dave, Andy, Chris and Jonathan for saving local people money and saving salvageable items from going to landfill. Thank you to Heather, Gary and the whole team at Glamis Hall for hosting our Repair Cafe.

Here is a small selection of the photos that we took:

There will be no Repair Cafe or Indoor Car Boot Sale in April due to Easter. Our next Repair Cafe will be on Saturday 9th May, where we will have more fixers, including Jane with her sewing machine, there to save you money and items from ending up in landfill!

Repair Cafe – Wellingborough Eco Group

Wellingborough Eco Group and Glamis Hall are hosting their fourth Repair Cafe on Saturday 14th March from 9am till 12, during the Indoor Car Boot Sale.

Repair Cafes are community events that match people who need stuff fixed with people who like fixing things. Repair Cafes are completely non-commercial. There are no promises and no guarantees, but if something can be saved the repairers will give it their best efforts. Repairers are always keen to teach you how to do the repair – or at least have you watch while they do it.

There is no charge for entry or repair but donations are gratefully received and help pay for costs. You can basically bring anything you can carry that will not make a mess in the venue. Here are some suggestions:

A bicycle, clothing in need of repair, small electrical or electronic appliances, lamps, toys, mobile phones, laptops, printers, items that need gluing, a clean/repair etc.

Whatever it is, it might not even be broken – just dirty, and you don’t know how to clean it without damaging it – or you can’t work out how to use it without the manual – bring it along. You can even bring several things – though to be fair, you will have to join the queue several times!

There will also be demonstrations on how to reuse stuff that would otherwise end up in landfill.

We are also seeking more repairers, so if you want to share your skills (whatever they are) to save stuff being thrown away, join us. We would love you to get involved! Message us via messenger if you are interested.

Litter Picking Eastfield Park and Finedon Road Copse

On Saturday morning, Wellingborough Eco Group and Castle Fields Streetwatch litter picked Eastfield Park and Finedon Road Copse between 10 and 12. This was our fifth monthly two hour tidy up and, as usual, it was on the last Saturday of the month. Our recycling station was based at the entrance to Eastfield Park on Cross Road.

Thank you to our 16 litter pickers Sharen, Eileen, Emma and Billy, Jonathan, Suzanne and James, Glenn, Julie and Ruby, Nial, Marion, Carol, Jenny and Steve. Thank you also Wellingborough Norse for lending us the equipment and Dave for promptly collecting what we picked up.

As you will see in the following photos, we cleared up a huge amount of rubbish. The three van loads (1500kg!) collected by our volunteers, included a TV, 3 shopping trolleys, 2 mattresses, a knife, lots of tyres and lots of bottles, cans and crisp packets. Well done all!

Our next Two Hour Tidy Up will be in Croyland Gardens as part of Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British Spring Clean. We will be setting up from 9:30 to be litter picking between 10-12 on Saturday 28th March – see you there!

Green Drinks Tonight!

Tonight’s the night!

Many of us are working to tidy up our neighbourhoods or for a fossil-free future for all our children. But it’s hard, often dispiriting work; renewing & making new friendships, in a relaxed setting is a great way to chill. That’s where Green Drinks comes in!

Join us tonight, Tuesday 25th February, for our first event, no agenda, just like minded people, who care about the environment, meeting for a ‘Green Drink’ and a chat.

Do join us for networking, news, chat and new friends; and be part of a growing global network where local people push for and build a sustainable future. Everyone is invited!

See you in the Queens Head, Broad Green, Wellingborough from 7:30!

Find out more at or on Facebook at

Litter Picking – Eastfield Park and Finedon Road Copse

This month our two hour tidy up will be litter picking Eastfield Park, and joining the Castlefields Streetwatch group, clearing up Finedon Road Copse on Saturday 29th February. It takes place between 10am-12 midday. Our recycling station will be set up from 9:30 at the entrance to Eastfield Park off of Cross Road (you are here on map) All welcome!

Eastfield Park is a square, with a footpath going around four football pitches. Finedon Road copse is about five minutes walk from the Cross Road entrance to the park. There is no parking available at Finedon Road Copse, drivers can use on street parking on Finedon Road near the park and in neighboring streets. For walker and cyclists, the park is close to the town centre (approx 10-20 mins walk) There are also bus services stopping on the roads around the park.

Wellingborough Norse have again let us borrow their litter picking equipment, and will be collecting what we have litter picked at the end of our two hours. Here is a selection of photographs from both areas and showing the small walk between the two areas:

Christmas Tree Recycling

Give your Christmas Tree a second chance…

…this year Wellingborough Eco Group are collecting live trees (with roots only) for free. We will not be collecting cut trees as all trees are going to be re-planted; and next year given to charities to be re-used either by themselves or by those who can’t afford to buy their own tree.

The collection of trees is available throughout the borough of Wellingborough and in Rushden and Higham Ferrers; from 2nd January to 11th January 2020.

Get in Touch

Those wishing to have their tree collected will need to book a collection slot by sending us a message using the contact form, with an email or via facebook messenger.

Litter Picking Queensway Park

This morning Wellingborough Eco Group litter picked Queensway Park between 10 and 12. This was our third monthly two hour tidy up and as usual it was on the last Saturday of the month. Our recycling station was based in Glamis Hall’s car park..

Two van loads of rubbish collected by our litter pickers today. Well done to all 16 of our Litter Heroes! Thank you to Sheila, Anthony L, Beth, Adam, Andrea, Suzanne, Sophie, Anthony EM, Elizabeth, Marion, Lucy, Jane, Nyall, Emma, Jonathan and Billy.

We also planted an Oak tree in the park afterwards, for the Woodland Trust’s Big Climate Fightback! The location for the tree was chosen by Sheila, who lives nearby. She can see this tree from her house and hopes that it will thrive next to the brook that runs through the park.

For more information see our Facebook event at:

Litter Picking November

This Saturday morning 30th November Wellingborough Eco Group will be litter picking in Queensway Park. We will be setting up from 9:30 in Glamis Hall’s car park to litter pick between 10 and 12. Look out for our recycling station and for our yellow hi-vis vests.

Wellingborough Norse have kindly agreed to lend us the equipment and to collect the rubbish. We will of course recycle as much as we can.

Our monthly two hour tidy up this month is to litter pick this well used park in Wellingborough, and we plan to carry out litter picks on the last Saturday of every month, except December. Litter pickers this month decide where the next location will be next month.

Join us to make Queensway Park tidier for the hundreds of people that walk through and a healthier place to live for wildlife too. All welcome!

To keep up to date with all of our activities join Wellingborough Eco Group at

Repair Cafe 1

Wellingborough Eco Group and Glamis Hall hosted our first Repair Cafe on Saturday, during the Indoor Car Boot Sale.

Our fabulous five fixers repaired 25 items, including vacuum cleaners, toasters, a microwave, 3 laptops, a tablet and various items of clothing.

Thank you to our repairers Andrew, Ata, Jane, Jonathan and Simon for saving local people money and saving salvageable items from going to landfill. Thanks to Judy for being there to demonstrate making cleaning products from eco sources.

Thank you to Marion and Viv for helping, plus Sophie and Anthony, Anthony L, Joanne, Karen and Emma from the group for coming. Also great to see BBC Radio Northampton too!

Here is a small selection of the photos that we took:

Don’t worry, you haven’t missed out! Our next Repair Cafe will be on Saturday 11th January from 9am-12 midday, at Glamis Hall during the Indoor Car Boot Sale. See you then…