Officer Nominations

We unofficially have five members who have been nominated to form the committee and to become officers of our group. They will be formally proposed and appointed at our General Meeting on Thursday evening. Members will have the opportunity to nominate them or other members, and to propose, second and vote officers in.

The committee will be expected to work on behalf of all members and will represent their views. Registered members will own and control the group, and as stakeholders are personally responsible for its activities including any liabilities. The committee will manage the group’s day to day operations, as appointed by the members.

The committee will consist of registered members who will be officers with a named responsibility and committee members without specific responsibility. The committee will communicate via email or other electronic services. Registered members will receive updates from the committee via email if they opt in to receive them, everyone will get updates via social media posts.

The structure of the committee will be flat and collaborative with each role supported by one or two other officers. There will be no formal Chairperson or leader, the meetings will be chaired on a rotating basis.

The officers nominated to roles are:

Jonathan Hornett – Secretary, who shall be responsible for the taking of minutes and the distribution of all papers

Simon Turner – Treasurer, who shall be responsible for maintaining accounts

Judy Sumner – Membership Secretary, who will be responsible for administering the membership

Sophie Earl-Martin – Media Secretary, who will manage our social media groups and other media outlets

Julian Sansom – Business Secretary, who will liaise with local companies and organisations.

In the event of an officer standing down during the year a replacement will be elected by the next General Meeting of members. Officers and committee members can be nominated two weeks before a General Meeting via email with the invite to the meeting and appointed at General Meetings.

General Meeting to Formally Adopt Our New Constitution

To formally adopt our new constitution, and to elect our committee members and officers, we will be having a meeting on Thursday 19th November at 7:30pm. All members are invited to attend.

Please join our Zoom Meeting at:

Meeting ID: 899 5990 1252
Passcode: 585528

If you have any questions or feedback about our constitution, officers or group activities, please let us know with a comment or email to

See you on Thursday evening!

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