Humanity and all life on our lovely blue-green planet is under severe threat from climate change. Recently the absolute urgency of this has been brought home to us by the scientific community, the actions by Greta Thunberg and the young people of the world, and by Extinction Rebellion. They challenge us to act too.
Members of Wellingborugh Eco Group are already working at our local events, to help improve our borough’s environment, to reduce, reuse and recycle items that would otherwise end up in landfill, and to help local people reduce their carbon footprints; and some of us work with other local groups tidying up our communities too.
Many of us are also working as members of XR, Greenpeace or Friends of the Earth – or of none – to work for a fossil-free future for all our children – not only the humans ones. But it is hard, often dispiriting work, and renewing and making new frienships, in a relaxed setting is a great way to chill.
That’s where Green Drinks comes in!
Wellingborough Eco Group are hosting Green Drinks evenings, and these events are open to everyone. We are simply running new friendly group meetings every month, over a drink in an old Wellingborough pub. The aim is to create a space where people who care about the environment can chat.
Do join us for networking, news, chat and new friends; and be part of a growing global network where local people push for and build a sustainable future. Everyone is invited, there is no agenda, this is all about you and what we can do environmentally locally in a friendly and positive way. Do join us!
We meet on the last Tuesday of each month (2nd Tuesday in December) at the Queens Head, Broad Green, Wellingborough NN8 4LH (see map). We start in the lounge area, on the left as you come in the main entrance, from 7:30pm till late…
Our 2020 meeting dates, all Tuesdays, are :
25th February (our first meeting!)
31st March
28th April
26th May
30th June
28th July
25th August
29th September
27th October
24th November
8th December (note 2nd Tuesday)
To join us, just turn up and do bring along friends or colleagues who might be interested! If you would like to get a regular reminders of all of our events and lots of good, often local, eco-friendly news, please have a look at our Green Drinks page at and join Wellingborough Eco Group on Facebook at
We look forward to meeting you at our next Green Drinks event!