Swap Shop

We open today’s Advent Calendar window for Wellingborough Swap Shop, our local exchange where you can get something you want by swapping things you no longer need or by making a small donation. It takes place this afternoon, 2-6, at ECO HUB, Glamis Hall.

Here, Jonathan shows you around the Swap Shop this afternoon.

You could describe it as a kind of bring-and-buy sale with the option to swap. Participants do not need to bring anything in order to take away goods, a pay as you feel donation to Wellingborough Eco Group works too.

Swap something today!

Our ‘Swap Shop’ recognises that things no longer wanted by someone, might be another person’s treasure. By reusing things we cut down on the amount of waste that goes into landfill and reduce the amount of resources that we use in manufacturing of new products. And it saves money!

What you offer is entirely up to you, as long as it’s legal, not hazardous or not a pet. Examples include: clothes, books, DVDs and CDs, kitchenware, pictures, tools, gardening items, curtains and other soft furnishings, children’s toys and baby items. There is something for everyone.

Join in at ECO HUB, Glamis Hall, this and every Tuesday 2-6pm, this week we have lots of good quality clothes, toys, books, DVDs and household items in stock, all available for swaps or a small donation, plus all this: 

  • Our Food Sharers are there with lots of saved food from supermarkets, including Co-op and from Redeem Funds and Glamis Hall.
  • Wellie Wombles have ‘Tuesday Tidy Ups’ every week where you can borrow pickers and take bags for litter picking.
  • The LIVE Team have a ‘free coats for kids’ rail, so don’t let your children go out and get cold.
  • We are a Winter Warm Space, pop in for a warm up, the kettle’s on if you fancy a coffee or tea.

See you there…

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